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How the Creative Medway Pledge came about – with Sam Rapp
“Years ago, there wasn’t any discussion about disability at all, and now we’re talking about it. We must thank all the previous campaigns that raised the bar in relation to awareness about disability.”
Future Leader Voices: Emma Wiggin
“The programme gave me the confidence to get back into music management on my own terms and understand that I don’t have to work to the standard music industry model.”
Future Leader Voices: Louiza Charalambous
“Being involved in Attitude is Everything has been such a huge eye opener to the amazing work going on to improve accessibility in live events and I have been using everything I have learnt in my own workplace and at events I run.”
Future Leader Voices: Louiza Charalambous
“The Future Leaders programme has opened up connections with very distinguished people in the industry which has been very useful in widening my network and gaining opportunities.”
Future Leader Voices: Maddie Christy
“This initiative has helped me discover what I want to do and how I would fit into this ever-changing industry.”
Professional Voices: Jess Fisher
“Don’t try and hide who you are because that’s what makes you incredibly unique and that could impact someone else’s life.”
Professional Voices: Ben Price
“Don’t be afraid, your disability does not define who you are and the job you can do.”
Professional Voices: Alli Scott
“Talk to your customers, your volunteers, your crew and really take in what is said. Feeling listened to is the first step to change for any marginalised community.”
Professional Voices: Luke Barbanneau
“Know what support you need from your employer, and don’t be afraid to ask for it. If you want to work in the festival industry but need a PA and a golf-buggy to be able to work on site, that’s ok!”
Professional Voices: Angharad Jones
“I believe that having some lived experience definitely has benefits within this role and helps to provide the best possible service and experience.”