“A lack of decent online access information websites has become a constant source of frustration to millions of disabled fans. Evidence suggests that many will not risk attending an event if they are unsure about access facilities. We should not be letting these online failures hold back the tide of progress, especially when they are so easy to fix.”
Suzanne Bull MBE, Founder of Attitude is Everything
Year published: 2016
Note: Contact details in these guides are now out of date – please contact [email protected] if you wish to get in touch.
Our 2016 State of Access Report included the results from a survey of online access information for 386 UK venues and festivals. This study found that whilst 65% offered some access information, of these 250, only 26% provided content rated as ‘good’. A total of 52% of all the venues and festivals surveyed provided poor information or none at all.
Access information is the gateway for many Deaf and disabled people when it comes to gauging whether or not a gig or festival might be for them. It is one of the key places on your website to demonstrate your commitment to putting on a truly inclusive and welcoming event. It is also something that any venue or festival of any scale can provide – including venues that may not be physically accessible.
To help venues and festivals achieve this, we produced the following guides and templates, launching them in partnership with the Association of Independent Festivals (AIF) and Independent Venue Week (IVW).