Donate to us

Donating is a simple but wonderful way to play your part in breaking down the barriers disabled people face in the music and live event industries.

Donate via Just Giving

Using Just Giving, you can set up a one-off or monthly donation to support our work today.

If you are a UK taxpayer, why not add Gift Aid to your donation?

A £10 donation with Gift Aid adds an extra £2.50 to your donation. If you decided to donate £10 a month with Gift Aid, your donation would be boosted by an extra £30.00 a year.

Three people sitting on a viewing platform in from of Glastonbury's West Holts stage

Donate a one-off larger amount

If you feel you can support us with a larger donation and wish to discuss this with us first, please contact our Founder Suzanne via [email protected]

Leave a legacy to Attitude is Everything

Creating a Will and leaving a legacy can bring up lots of personal questions so we’ve created this guidance to explain how it works.